Saturday, April 12, 2008

Timothy Wilbeck Drive

Ever wish you had a street named after you? How about two? Tim's dad was a developer and he named one street Wilbeck Drive and the other Timothy Street. This is a picture at the intersection of these two streets in South Hutchinson, Kansas.
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Valerie said...

Thta's pretty cool! If there was a David/Hinzman intersection, I think that would be an "ego thing" for my husband!

Lauren said...

You should update!

rwilbeck said...

Hello Tim and Maureen!

I guess you are pretty special, but you forgot who named the was me.....and I had one named after me as well..William my first name.

Andrew is also there for dad's middle name and Tony is also there your other brother.

Brother Rob..Wilbeck Real Estate, Inc.