Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quick Cheap Meals

I was trying to e-mail Lauren a link to a meal planning site that a friend of mine recommended. I couldn't find the link that would work, but there was a link to use for blogging so I thought I would put it on the blog for anyone to use. I began using it a couple of weeks ago and I love it. The meals are simple to fix and cheap. The grocery list is printed off along with very simple receipies and it is easy to scratch out a meal if you don't think your family would like it. So far the recipies have been decent. The boys are amazed at the variety of different types of food we are eating. We had never had quiche before and we all loved it. Here is the link.


Drew said...

Thanks! You know I'm always hoping for something easy and new!! We'll be trying this for sure! I'm on Drew's computer now, so it really is Debbie! Obviously!!!

Valerie said...

Was nice to see you and chat today. Keep up the blogging. :)

Pat said...

Thanks for the link. I am always looking for new recipes.