Monday, September 15, 2008

Historical Landmarks? (Well not quite!)

When we were in Iowa, we drove around town and saw may places that Tim and/or I spent a lot of time.  This is my grandparents house. I have very fond memories of living here. They lived next to a creek that my cousins and I loved to play near. I also lived here for a couple of months before I got married. My Mom moved to Kansas, but I stayed in Iowa since I was about to be married. Unfortunately, the house has seen better days.
  We lived on the bottom floor of this house right after my parents got divorced. It had one bedroom and five people. It was very cramped. My fondest memory here is the creek that I used to spend a lot of time ice-skating on. (I've since been on ice-skates; it's not like a bike, where you just get on and it comes back to you. )
  This is the house I was living in when I met Tim. Most of my teen years were spent in this house.
 This is the outside of Palmer Chiropractic College. Tim spent many, many hours here.

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  When Tim first moved to Iowa, he rented a room on the upper floor of this building. It was clean and within walking distance from the school. Unfortunately, there was a railroad track 30 feet from the front of his room. The first time he heard a train in the middle of the night, he scrambled thinking it was a tornado. He eventually got used to it.
 This is the house that Tim bought after a few months at the apartment. It was an $18,000 house in the middle of the ghetto, but it was huge. It needed a lot of work. I learned to pour concrete, sweat pipes, wallpaper and do all kinds of other handy work in this house. I eventually moved in after we got married. The house looks wonderful compared to when we got it. The mice were so thick before Tim moved in that the traps would start going off before we left the house. The floors looked like a volcano was about to erupt in several places. It had cracked stucco on the outside and a garage that was about to fall over. We were robbed two months after we were married. Most all of our wedding gifts were stolen. I was very glad we sold the house and got out of there.
 This is the church we got married in. We will celebrate our twenty-eighth anniversary next month.
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The Rouse House said...

That was a fun tour! That church is beautiful!

Pat said...

That was a fun tour. Nice jump back in time.