Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fire & Flood

Here are a few more flood pictures from a different perspective. Tim took us out on the boat for a tour.
There were only a couple of neighbors who got water in their house. Here is one of them.
Our jet skis and paddleboat were up close to the retaining wall.

Tim fishing in our back yard-literally!!

The next day, the jet skis and paddleboat were on dry ground. It took several strong men (we have a few around here) to move them.

Yesterday when I was out, I drove by this house being built on our lake. It was fine just a day or two ago. Wonder what caused the fire.



Pat said...

Did you ever find out what happened to this house?

Paula said...

Thank you, Lord for your retaining wall!

Unknown said...


Heather said...

no kiddin, Praise God for the retaining wall...I'm glad the rain stopped!