Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mystery Picture

Things have slowed down enough that I actually feel like I have time to blog today. Maybe it's the cozy weather that makes a person slow down enough to enjoy the moment. I do like snowy days for that reason. Anyway I have a very unusual picture. Somehow this picture showed up in one of the Mleynek's photo albums. They have absolutely no idea how it got there and neither do we. This picture was obviously taken long before we knew them and possibly before Tim and I even met. We do recognize Tim and his friend Mark Dopps and we recognize the setting as being inside Tim's dad's garage. One thought we had was that one of our kids took the picture to the Mleynek's house to show them, but in all the years I have been married to Tim I have not seen this picture around our house. In fact, no one here has ever seen this picture before. I do have to admit that Tim looks pretty wide-eyed about something. I'm sure that will remain a mystery too. Comment and let me know your ideas on how the Mleynek's ended up with this picture.
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Lauren said...

That is so strange that it ended up at the Mleynek's house. I wonder how it got there. Hmmm.

Lauren said...

By the way, dad is wearing a wedding ring so you must have been married.

Paula said...

How crazy weird!! I know . . . in your previous life . . . never mind! Let us know if you figure it out!!